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Largest telescope starts gazing

"The world's largest telescope starts using its complex structure of mirrors today to scour the outer reaches of the universe for planets similar to our own and to seek clues to help explain the origins of life."

Category: Space


Water vapour found on exoplanet

"Astronomers have found water vapour in the atmosphere of a giant planet outside our Solar System."

Category: Space


Saucers in the sky

"It's 60 years since the term flying saucer was coined and the most celebrated "extraterrestrial" episode - Roswell. Alien believers are dismissed as cranks, but even the earthly explanations of objects in the sky are...

Category: Space


Team makes Tunguska crater claim

"Scientists have identified a possible crater left by the biggest space impact in modern times - the Tunguska event."

Category: Space


The wet planet: There was life on Mars (probably)

"Scientists now say that an ocean several miles deep once covered a third of the surface of the planet, enough water to support the origin and evolution of life. The red planet, they said, had once been a deep blue, just like...

Category: Space

Displaying results 396 to 400 out of 417